JQBID joins forces with local photographer

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The JQBID has joined forces with Anne-Marie Hayes, a Birmingham based photographer, who will help develop content to promote local independents. 

Steve Lovell and Anne-Marie Hayes
Steve Lovell, Communications and Marketing Manager, JQBID and Anne-Marie Hayes

Anne-Marie has worked with the JQBID on a number of projects, including each of the last three JQ Festivals. Working in the Jewellery Quarter herself and with Sarah Hayes (Anne-Marie’s twin sister) as the Museums Manager of the Coffin Works, Anne-Marie is very well-versed on life in the Quarter and is excited to channel her passion for the area through photography at the JQBID.

As somebody who has worked in the Jewellery Quarter for over 15 years, on and off, I am extremely passionate about it, and I’ve seen the area change tremendously. I’m really excited for the opportunity to work more closely with the JQBID and the wonderful independents, helping to develop engaging content and a consistent online brand. This was simply an offer I could not turn down!

– Anne-Marie Hayes

You can see Anne-Marie’s work on her website or by following the JQBID’s Instagram account.

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