JQBID Business Proposal 2017 – 2022

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The proposals for a second term of the Jewellery Quarter Business Improvement District (JQBID) is now available for download. If you are a business in the Jewellery Quarter with a rateable value of over £10,000 then this document is essential for you to read as it contains information that will affect your business for the next five years.

Download JQBID Proposal 2017 – 2022.

What is this? 

The JQBID is a community interest company both funded and governed by local Jewellery Quarter businesses. Since 2012, the BID team has carried out a five-year strategy which has raised the profile of the Jewellery Quarter making it a safer, cleaner and more vibrant place to do business. Now, the BID is reaching the end of the company’s first five-year term and must undergo what is called a ‘Renewal Ballot’. All businesses who are over a certain rateable value within the BID area will be asked to vote in favour of supporting a second five-year term. The above document lays out the terms of what the BID will deliver should we secure a successful ‘Yes’ vote.

This proposal has been created based on consultations with businesses who currently pay a levy as well as those who start paying if the BID secures a majority ‘Yes’ vote. 

Why you need to vote. 

The outcome of this vote will affect the future of the Jewellery Quarter business community.

If you would like to discuss this proposal or have any other questions about the Jewellery Quarter BID, then please call the office on 0121 233 2814 or send us an email.


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