WFH? Loosen up with Yoga at your desk

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As England undergoes a second national lockdown we will be sharing advice from local businesses on how to maintain your mental and physical wellbeing. In this blog post, Lisa Duong from The Pretty Sweaty Stuff shares some tips on how to practice yoga from your desk and throughout the day.

Hi everyone! I’m Lisa and I’m from @theprettysweatystuff.

During these uncertain and somewhat isolated times, more than ever, we all need to practise yoga, even if it’s for 5-10 minutes a day. Not only can the postures help with maintaining our physical well-being, the mindfulness and meditation aspects encourages us to be here in the now so that we’re not worrying about what is to come. This is supported by studies that shows that a 60 min meditation can help to reduce anxiety, improve sleeping patterns as well as other benefits.

Here are 4 exercises you can do at your desk or bed. Repeat as many times as you like! I’d love to hear how you get on! @theprettysweatystuff

  1. Wrist circles: Bring the back of the hands together and create circles, without losing the connection of the hands. Go one way then the other.
  2. Seated cat/cow: Interlace the fingers behind the head and send the elbows sideways. Draw the belly and ribs in. Inhale create a gentle arch, send the chest forward, maybe gaze up. Exhale round and curl up into a tiny ball, chin to chest.
  3. Seated figure 4/pigeon: Bring the (right) ankle to the (left) thigh. You can lean back into your chair or if you’re looking for a little more, you can lean forward.
  4. Close down the eyes and notice your breath. Take a deep inhale and a full complete exhale.


You can find some more free and super short yoga classes over on my YouTube: The Pretty Sweaty Stuff Yoga, practise with me online I can’t wait to see you all in person The Floating Spa after lockdown or get in touch if you fancy some private yoga classes with me.

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