JQBID in discussion with AMEY for sympathetic street lighting solutions

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Birmingham City Council through their contractor Amey are planning to replace the lighting columns in Spencer Street which will start on 30th September, 2013. However businesses were horrified to see that the plan was current lighting would be replaced with new LED lighting which seems to be totally out of place with the historic nature of the Jewellery Quarter and will totally change the atmosphere and the image of the place.

As a result of this the JQBID has lobbied on behalf of its businesses and managed to secure an agreement pending discussion about the potential for delivering the scheme to an Enhanced Standard to allow for heritage considerations in the design.

The next action will be for Amey to write to those affected by this to explain the position.

The JQBID will continue to be involved in this important issue and will keep all businesses posted via the website.

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