Run of a Kind – City Tour with a twist!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Birmingham’s first city running tour has hit the ground running, Run of a Kind is not your average history tour!

Run of a Kind is pioneering the phenomenon in Birmingham, adding a new dimension to the existing tour set up here in the Midlands. Based on the popular tourist walking tour activity, a running tour is simply a faster way to see and study a city together with a local guide. Lucy Canham, Founder of Run of a Kind, is a keen running tour enthusiast in her usual day job as Cabin Crew:

“I started flying 4 ½ years ago as a way to see the world. I discovered the running tour concept in London and have since completed running tours in 20 different countries across 6 continents. I think it’s fair to say I’m the biggest running tour fan in the world! They combine everything I love to do: keeping fit, exploring, learning and meeting lovely new people.

Canham put her ambitions into practice when she was one of the many airline colleagues put onto the furlough scheme, along with fellow local running enthusiast, Hannah Green.

“I’ve wanted to set this up for a while but as I suppose with many dreams, we often don’t find the time to make them a reality. I suddenly found myself grounded in more ways than one. I’ve had time to strategise and structure the business, as well as study for and write the tours.” Whilst the team will debut with their ‘Best of Birmingham’ tour, a 10km route with stops across the city, including the Jewellery Quarter, their long term goal is to tour other corners of the city in collaboration with local businesses and individuals.

“We promise our runners will go home with loads of new facts and friends and an awareness of the city in new ways, accompanied with a massive smile and love for Brum.”

The ‘Best of Birmingham’ tour, will feature as part of Birmingham Heritage Week in September. Book your tickets online for £18 each, including post-run refreshments. For the time being, tours will be limited to 5 runners from up to 5 households in line with government and England Athletics guidelines.

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