Pig & Tail Kitchen Rental

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The Pig & Tail Pub is offering their professional kitchen for hire during lockdown to any budding food entrepreneurs!

We are reaching out to offer a great opportunity, our kitchen at The Pig & Tail is lying dormant. So, we would like to offer our space for rent to help someone expand and develop their food and takeaway service during the lockdown.

We have another venue in the city centre – Craeft – where we have offered a similar deal and the trader that took us up on it, The Vegan Kitchen, have been able to make it a success.

The Pig & Tail is located in the Jewellery Quarter at 12 – 13 Albion Street, B1 3ED. It is in the middle of several newly built apartments and homes, a prime location for collections and deliveries for people working from home or looking for easy dinners.

The kitchen is in very good condition and is all induction. We pride ourselves on cleanliness so we would expect the same from whoever would like to work in our space.

If this opportunity is of interest to you then please do get in touch and we can discuss further, or if you are aware of anyone who is looking for kitchen space then please pass on our details.

Keep safe,

Mark & Steff


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