NEW ENTRY: JQ Open Studios Blog #10

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From now until the 22nd July, Tina Francis will be exploring the various businesses who will open their doors in this year’s Jewellery Quarter Open Studios Trail. You can also follow the official @JQOpenStudios Twitter and join in the conversation with #JQOpenStudios. For further information about the Jewellery Quarter Festival 2016 please visit the webpage by clicking here.

School 1

6th July 2016 – Practice, Practice, Practice!

As you will have seen in recent blogs The Jewellery Quarter whilst being home to the jewellery industry in the UK is also home to many other businesses and makers.  With so many listed buildings here that are being saved, maintained and redeveloped with modern additions it’s no wonder that the jewellery Quarter is home to its fair share of architects and on Saturday 23rd, 3 architect practices will be opening their doors and not only inviting you to “come see what we do” but will be inviting you to take part!

After last years successful crazy golf day BPN on Mary Street are returning with a new game “Knock Down Brum”, we’ve all seen many a favourite building disappear from the city skyline this year so this large game of skittles is pretty apt! Along with City destruction the BPN goods yard will be providing live music and refreshments throughout the event and BPN architects will be on hand to answer any of your questions about becoming an architect. If you are interested in architecture why not become one for the day?

ADP Architecture on Vittoria Street will be inviting you to do just that when they open on Saturday for the first time (welcome!). Explore colour light and space by creating stained glass stencils inspired by the Jewellery Quarter or design a building using recycled materials.  This will be a great family friendly event and with the practice being near to Rhamgharia Sikh Temple if you visit between 2 and 4pm you will also get a chance to see inside the temple which could inspire your architectural makes! As you walk around the Jewellery Quarter visiting the Open Studios and the Festival be sure to look up and take in the details of the buildings which we are so proud of.

Down Vittoria Street towards Golden Square you will pass The School of Jewellery, take a look inside and with your new architectural knowledge take a look inside and see how old and new can be combined to create great spaces.

Knowledge about the Jewellery Quarter is something that David Mahoney of PCPT Architects has in spades. Instrumental in creating the Jewellery Quarter Development Trust his knowledge about the buildings and more importantly the community that inhabits them is fantastic. Be sure to visit PCPT on Spencer Street (next to the fantastic Guildsman Jewellery Gallery) and see what projects are in store for the area.

We hope this blog has helped you build your visit to Jewellery Quarter Open Studios next time we will be focussing on jewellers and makers.

To view previous blog entries please visit the official Open Studios Trail 2016 page by clicking here. For more about JQ Festival 16 please click the banner below:


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