Jewellery Quarter cleans up for Great British Spring Clean

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The 25th March – 10th April saw Great Britain come together for its annual Great British Spring Clean. The event encourages communities to work together and take part in a series of litter picks, helping to clean up their streets whilst instilling a sense of pride in their patch.

This year’s Jewellery Quarter’s Spring Clean was organised by the Jewellery Quarter Business Improvement District with over 40 people from eight local organisations taking part across the two weeks.

BLOC Hotel, Sir Robert McAlpine and Escape Brum all took part in the Spring Clean

Organisations included PMP Consultants, Kinetic Communications, Escape Brum, Coop, BLOC Hotel, Sir Robert McAlpine, and Jewellery Quarter Academy. In total, just under 50 full bags of litter were collected during the two weeks across all areas of the Jewellery Quarter.

Cleaning the streets of the Jewellery Quarter is an important service that the JQBID carries out on behalf of its community. It’s two full time members of staff operate 6 days a week. In addition to picking up litter, the team also remove graffiti, excrement and work with Birmingham City Council to remove fly tipping and report on street safety issues.

PMP Consultants with the JQBID’s Glutton machine

Even though the Great British Spring Clean event has come to an end, if you are a local business and would like to work with the Clean Team on your own litter pick event, please get in touch with the team to arrange by emailing

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