Help to reduce air pollution in Birmingham – come and have your say on 4 & 16 Oct

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As Birmingham continues to grow, increasing traffic congestion and vehicle emissions are undermining the health and wellbeing of  local people, leading to over 900 premature deaths in the city each year.

Part of the UK Government’s plans to address this is to introduce Clean Air Zones (CAZ) in certain cities across the UK. Birmingham is one of the areas with some of the worst exceedances of pollutants such as Nitrogen Dioxide which are harmful to health.

Birmingham City Council (BCC) is seeking to address this – as part of the national response to the Government plan – by looking at introducing a Clean Air Zone by end of 2019.  Part of this study involves trying to gain an understanding of how a CAZ would affect businesses and organisations.

To understand the impact of a CAZ and design a solution that meets the needs of the City, BCC is holding two CAZ Business Forums to share ideas and discuss how it can support businesses to make sustainable changes and build upon feedback already received from the online surveys.

The forums will take place on the following days:

Morning Forum – Wednesday October 4th 2017, 8:00-09:30 at Chamberlain Room, The Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB

Evening Forum – Monday October 16th 2017, 17:30-19:00 at Chamberlain Room, The Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB

These forums will:

– Provide further information about a CAZ

– Offer specialist advice

– Understand how businesses will be affected by a CAZ

– Discuss how BCC can support local businesses

For further information about the event, and to book a place, please contact [email protected].

[Jacobs has been commissioned by Birmingham City Council to assist in the engagement with stakeholders as part of a study to explore different measures]

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