Coffin Works reopens in the Jewellery Quarter today

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The Newman Brothers at the Coffin Works opens its factory doors to the public today after a 15 year rescue mission by Birmingham Conservation Trust.

The Coffin Works, located on Fleet Street, is the Jewellery Quarter’s newest heritage attraction and will give visitors the opportunity to take a step back in time and experience the factory as it would have been in its heyday.

The Birmingham Conservation Trust has been busy for the past two months restoring original machinery – some of which is over a hundred years old – and installing original items to their proper place.

From 1984 – 1999 Newman Brothers produced high quality coffin fittings, shrouds and coffin linings. A grant for £1million from the Heritage Lottery Fund was received for essential repairs and fixtures and was then matched by Birmingham City Council making the conservation work possible.

The official launch took place Friday 24th October and welcomed the Lord Mayor, Simon Buteux and Councillor Bob Beauchamp of Birmingham Conservation Trust and Les Sparks OBE, chairman of the West Midlands Committee of the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Guests were treated to a buffet lunch, given the opportunity to explore the new attraction and attend a special screening of the film ‘The Making of the Coffin Works’.

For full details of opening times, prices and how to book, please visit

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