Breaking the Silence UK launches 2018 initiative

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After last year’s overwhelming success where 21 women broke their chains of abuse and got their life back, a Jewellery Quarter-based charity is once again opening its doors to women across the UK by offering its free 6-month programme to the most vulnerable.

Breaking The Silence’s Building From Broken Pieces Programme (BFBP) is a real-time recovery course that gives women the tools to process their trauma and positively move on in a direction of self-love. It’s a safe place where women can support each other in the one subject they’ve felt so removed from being open about.

Created by Raj Holness [pictured] – a lady who suffered over 20 years of domestic abuse and 2 forced marriages at the hands of her family – the programme will begin on Monday 5th February and meeting dates will be every first and third Monday of the month.

Raj Holness commented: “It is free to all participants, which makes this rare opportunity stand out as a life-saving support network for those who need it most. If you have been directly affected by domestic abuse, forced marriage or trafficking, or know someone who has, now is your chance to help both yourself and others.”

To contact Breaking the Silence UK, please call 0121 285 2277 or email / visit the website.

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