JQDT Speaker Breakfast with Councillor Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Jewellery Quarter Development Trust (JQDT) held its first 2018 breakfast event at the Assay Office this month.

The local business community was invited to hear the Leader of Birmingham City Council outline his ambition and vision for the Jewellery Quarter. Councillor Ian Ward expressed his commitment to preserving the historic quarter’s legacy for future generations and noted the desire of local businesses to manufacture the medals for the Commonwealth Games in 2022.

Alongside the Leader, the city council’s Assistant Director for Development Richard Cowell reinforced the council’s plans to boost the area’s capability to attract ‘start-ups’ whilst supporting the vibrant ‘maker’ community which comprises of talented designer jewellery makers and highly skilled craftspeople.

Councillor Ward shared his family connection by reflecting on his grandmother and her time working for one of the Quarter’s many family businesses. The legacy of its working people and the historic townscape is, Councillor Ward commented, the reason why “the Jewellery Quarter is a distinctive area in Birmingham and known the world over.”

The Jewellery Quarter Development Trust Executive Director Luke Crane commented on the event: “The business community in attendance valued the Leader’s commitment to the Jewellery Quarter. Nurturing the creative industries, attracting investment and effectively collaborating on major city-wide initiatives such as the Commonwealth Games is integral to the JQDT’s work. By working in partnership with the city council, these objectives can be achieved for the good of not just the Jewellery Quarter but Birmingham and the wider region.”

The JQDT was formed for the interest of the Quarter’s communities and operates for their benefits. Since being established, the JQDT has championed regeneration and delivered additional services to the area through the Business Improvement District (BID). Last year, the Jewellery Quarter BID was renewed for a second five-year term, receiving a 88% yes vote from the local businesses.

Featured image: Luke Crane, JQDT Executive Director; Councillor Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council; Councillor Philip Davis, JQDT Chairman and Doug Henry, Assay Office Birmingham CEO and Assay Master

Photography by Jas Sansi

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