A blessing for PC Snipe

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PC George Snipe who was killed in the line of duty on 19th July 1897 is buried in a public grave in Warstone Lane Cemetery.
A few years ago, a plaque was placed on the site of the Star public house where he received the head injury which proved fatal while breaking up a drunken disorder.West Midlands Police Honour Guard wanted to also mark his final resting place, which was located with help from the Friends of Key Hill Cemetery and Warstone Lane Cemetery and Birmingham City Council Bereavement Services. The plaque was made by local firm P Warrington’s and fitted with help from Jewellery Quarter BID.

The blessing ceremony took place on 19th July 1897, 126 years after PC Snipe was killed. The service was lead by Chaplain Steve Walter with tributes from Rich Cooke, Chair of the West Midlands Police Federation and Wasim Ali Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner with representatives from the West Midlands Police Honour Guard lead by Steven Rice. The plaque was unveiled by Lord Mayor Charman Lal followed by a 1 minute silence and the Last Post played by Principal Cornet Player Lesley Jenkins. There were members of the Snipe family in attendance from 4 branches of the family, and representatives from local organisations including the Police Museum, Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane Cemetery and the Jewellery Quarter BID, alongside the community police officers.

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