6 Top Tips for Your Mental Wellbeing

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As England enters a second national lockdown we will be sharing advice from local businesses on how to maintain your mental and physical wellbeing. In this blog post Kay Mahboob from Kay’s Counselling shares her top tips on actively maintaining your mental health. 

1. Go out for walks and get some air once a day, this will allow you to experience a change of scenery and give yourself a break from being cooped up all day.

2. Try using guided meditations, where someone instructs you on what you need to do, via an app or website. This can help with calming your mind and body down, so you feel more relaxed.

3. Keep in touch with your support network – speak to them about how you’re feeling and what’s going on for you. Even if you feel it’s not a big deal speaking to someone else may help alleviate some of your negative feelings. Another person’s point of view can give you a new perspective and help you feel understood.

4. If you don’t have a support network speak to helplines, you can stay anonymous if you wish. For example Refuge domestic violence helpline 0808 2000 247, Respect men’s advice helpline 0808 801 0327, Galop domestic violence support for LGBTQ community 0800 999 5428, Respect helpline for people who are harming their partners 0808 802 4040, NSPCC for anyone worried about children 0808 800 5000, or the Samaritans 116 123.

5. Grounding techniques are great for when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. There’s many different version, try a few and use the one that works best for you. For example focus on 5 things you can see around you, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.

6. If you’re finding it hard to control your mind – try creating a stop sign in your mind, imagine the colours, the size of the sign, focus on the lettering etc. Use this mental technique to tell your thoughts to stop, don’t engage with the thoughts and instead try to focus on the sign and take control. Another strategy is to ‘assign a time’ to your thoughts, where you pick a random time in the day that suits you. If you get any negative or stressful thoughts during the day your only response is to ask them to come back at the time you assigned and not to engage in the thoughts.

Kay’s Counselling is located on Vyse Street in the Jewellery Quarter and our counsellors and psychotherapists are fully qualified. We provide a number of different approaches and counselling services including relationship therapy as well as one-to-one sessions. We also offer online counselling as well as telephone and face-to-face services.

Find out more online www.kayscounselling.co.uk.

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