UCB students takeover 46 hotel jobs at Crowne Plaza

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Students from University College Birmingham have hijacked nearly 50 jobs at one of the city’s busiest hotels as part of a campaign to encourage young people to pursue a career in hospitality. In partnership with InterContinental Hotel Group’s National Hotel Takeover and People 1st, students will run the Crowne Plaza in Central Square, Holliday Street, for the entire week from Monday 26 February to Friday 2 March. Nationwide more than 1,000 hospitality students will be taking the helm at an IHG venue.

From checking in guests at the reception, heading up a chef team to overseeing events and HR management, the 46 UCB students who are, on average, aged 16-25 will be hijacking a range of diverse jobs, shadowed by the hotel’s real team members.

Charlotte Jones, Birmingham Crowne Plaza’s HR and Training Manager, said: “We are really excited to be a part of the takeover this year. As a former student of UCB myself, I did a placement at the Crowne Plaza and that’s what kick-started my career, so I know how much of an amazing opportunity this will be for the students. We are looking forward to seeing what they’re capable of.”

Nicky Millard, Assistant Dean of UCB’s College of Food, said: “To have the chance to experience what it’s like to run a busy, fully-functioning hotel to complement their classroom-based training is incredible and we have fantastic candidates for every role.”

For further information on UCB’s College of Food, please visit the website.

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