Small Business Saturday Bus visits the Jewellery Quarter!

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Join us on Saturday 3rd December for Small Business Saturday (SBS), a national day to celebrate the millions of small and micro-businesses who contribute to our economy. From now until the big day, local Micro-business owner and the JQBID’s official SBS Ambassador, Tina Francis, will be keeping you up to date with a running blog. For more information about Small Business Saturday please click here

Birmingham was once hailed as the “City of 1000 Trades”. While this may no longer be true, in the Jewellery Quarter we have modellers; engravers, setters, polishers, casters, platers, carvers, enamellers, box makers working alongside tailors, leather workers, pen makers, architects, embroiderers, media houses, upholsterers and furniture makers to name but a few.  Many of the small businesses are also family businesses and have been here for over a century, times may be changing but the small and micro business is here to stay (alongside our larger manufacturers too!) so it is really exciting that the Small Business Saturday Bus Tour is coming to Birmingham for the first time on 8th November and even more so because it is anchoring for the day (10-2) in Golden Square in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter.

Small Business Saturday is now in its third year here in the UK, the aim is to shout out about small businesses whether bricks and mortar or online.  It takes place this year on 3rd December, free to join it’s about getting to know the small and independent businesses around you and for businesses to get to know each other. The Bus Tour is a way to find out about the whole idea and get your information packs, posters and sign up online.

Over the next week, we will be writing about some of the small businesses in the Jewellery Quarter and how working together has been key to our longevity. We’ll see you tomorrow but until then can we take this opportunity to invite you to come visit the bus on 8th November.

For further information about how to get involved please contact Tina Francis

You can view the running blog by clicking here. Like this story? For regular Jewellery Quarter News, Events & Offers sign up to our mailer for free. You can also follow the JQBID on Twitter, Facebook, Instagramand Linked In.

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