Public call for volunteers to join a ‘Jewellery Quarter Visioning’ group

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The Jewellery Quarter Development Trust (JQDT) is asking for volunteers to join a ‘Jewellery Quarter Visioning’ group. 

In 2021, the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership’s Enabling Fund awarded the JQDT a grant to look at how the future of the Jewellery Quarter could be improved in 3 distinct ways:

  1. Create visions for 3 specific parts of the JQ that need a bit of help
  2. Research the jewellery business cluster and identify the best model for a Jewellery Quarter Creative Incubator
  3. Develop options for the visitor economy to maximise the draw of heritage and jewellery-making

This is an open call for volunteers to join a short, intensive project to help develop a vision for these three areas of the Jewellery Quarter:

  1. Sandpits – focused around the old BMW garage
  2. Big Peg – including Golden Square and up to the station
  3. Hockley Hill – Great Hampton St – Constitution Hill
Map of the Jewellery Quarter highlighting the three areas for the study
Map of the Jewellery Quarter highlighting the three areas for the study

The ask is for people to attend a launch meeting at 5pm on Wednesday 9th March, followed by 2-3 hour workshops every fortnight, and finally a completion meeting. 

There will be homework in between, such as taking photos of good/bad examples in your designated area and describing why, speaking to locals, or developing solutions to problems. This isn’t solely about heritage, or jewellery, or architecture – it’s up to the groups to create their vision so it can be about safety, biodiversity, activity, art, the sound or feel of a place.

In return, you will have created a vision that can be used to influence council policy, direct spending, attract investment, and be a basis of future grant applications – all of which will go toward delivering that vision and making the Jewellery Quarter a better place to live, learn, visit and work.

The programme has a definite beginning and end. And with the JQDT appointing company, Akerlof to project manage, facilitate the workshops, and provide the templates and briefings you need, this will then free the volunteers to focus on the fun stuff.  A key landowner in each area has also been engaged, and their participation will demonstrate how the vision can be delivered.

You are eligible if you work/live/own/have a specific interest in the JQ or close to one of the three areas.  So, if you can commit to the time, and are enthusiastic about working constructively with other JQ-ites, you can express your interest by emailing [email protected]. Please include your name, email & phone, state your preferred area, and your eligibility. 

Places are limited and the deadline for expressions of interest is 8pm Friday 4th March 2022.

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