Over 120 businesses signed up to recycling scheme in 12 months!

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Through the first 12 months of a new recycling scheme, the Jewellery Quarter business community has recycled an incredible 127,000 kg of waste.

Partnering with First Mile Recycling, The Jewellery Quarter Business Improvement District (JQBID) has helped over 120 businesses sign up to the subsidised recycling scheme, cementing their commitment to helping create a healthier, cleaner environment.

First Mile Recycling, a national waste management company, is committed to increasing the number of ways that waste can be recycled for all sizes and types of businesses. Over the last 12 months, their mixed recycling scheme has helped the local business community recycle enough paper to save the equivalent of circa 746 trees.

Diverting the 127,000 kgs of waste from landfill means there is less strain on the environment and provides unique opportunities to recycle the materials into new products. An estimated 96 tonnes of C02 has been saved from being released into the atmosphere, with the introduction of the new scheme.

The JQBID has seen a huge range of businesses signing up to the recycling scheme from local bars and restaurants, to jewellers, retailers, hair salons and even local museums.

Dale Hollinshead, Art Director at Hazel & Haydn said: “First Mile made it easy for us to recycle. I’m very keen to help the environment and First Mile is easy to use and collect daily.” The award-winning salon has been in the Jewellery Quarter since 2011 and recently won Best Salon Team and Best Colour Salon at the Salon Awards 2019.

Sarah Hayes, Coffin Works & Museum Manager, said: “First Mile make recycling really easy and this, in turn, encourages us to be ever more proactive at the Coffin Works! First Mile collect weekly and if for any reason a collection is ever missed, I’m always impressed with their 24-hour customer support, who arrange a next-day collection.” The Coffin Works has been open since 2014 and recently won The Queen’s award for Voluntary Service 2019.

Vinny Madhar, Recycling Advisor for the Jewellery Quarter, said: “The JQBID was one of the first BID partnerships that First Mile worked within Birmingham, and its success has really helped pave the way for BID partnerships in the city. Since October last year we have worked closely with the JQBID to sign up members to our hassle-free, green recycling services, helping over 120 businesses to improve their recycling rates and contribute towards a cleaner, greener and more sustainable Birmingham. Working closely with the JQBID and the local community has helped us to consolidate waste collections, leading to fewer vehicles on the road, whilst also providing cost-savings for local businesses. We look forward to continuing our positive work with JQBID and are excited about the future.”

JQDT Executive Director, Luke Crane adds: “Making the Quarter greener and more sustainable is one of our key objectives and we are delighted that the JQ business community has seized this opportunity to improve the rates of recycling and the range of items being re-purposed rather than going to landfill. Our partners, First Mile, have truly delivered on their promise of a more convenient and effective recycling scheme.”

To ensure sign up for businesses is as hassle-free as possible, First Mile has introduced a dedicated Recycling Advisor for the Jewellery Quarter, Vinny Madhar.

For more information on the scheme, businesses can contact Vinny via email Vinny.madhar@thefirstmile.co.uk or through phone: 07701 315 703.

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