Makers Thursday – Makers Central…we did it!

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The JQBID attended the brand new international show Makers Central last weekend  (5 and 6 May 2018) together with four local Jewellery Quarter makers; B18 LeatherGlenn Campbell JewelleryMichele White Jewellery and Tina Francis Tapestry

Leading up to the event our ‘Makers Thursday’ series shed a spotlight on these creative individuals. Our final blog in the series is written by the JQBID team and provides a snapshot of the weekend’s stories and activities. 

Over a sunny Bank Holiday weekend, the first ever Makers Central event drew huge crowds as people of all ages and backgrounds descended on Hall 7 to meet Makers from across the globe and discover new techniques and one-off hand-crafted items.

Watching their favourite Youtube stars creating pieces in person held the crowd spell-bound in between exploring the many exhibitors.

The JQBID stand was busy throughout the weekend as we welcomed over 650 people to meet our local Jewellery Quarter Makers and chat to members of the JQBID team about our unique area in Birmingham.

  • Deborette Clarke’s colourful products leapt out at the visitors many of whom were intrigued to know more about the process and how the finished product is created.
  • Glenn Campbell’s jewellery demonstrations drew a crowd of curious onlookers thanks to the generosity of Cooksongold who lent us their equipment for the weekend.
  • Tina Francis was very popular with the families that attended and boys and girls of all ages were eager to have a go at embroidery, many for the first time.
  • Michele White’s eye-catching pieces drew many admirers who were keen to find out more about her process and unique approach to jewellery making.

Overall the event was a success and a wonderful opportunity to engage with new audiences and promote the local industries, people & businesses of the Jewellery Quarter and shed a spotlight on four local makers in particular.

For more photos and videos from the event visit our social media pages Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

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