Keeping track of JQ planning applications

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There are lots of potential new developments in the pipeline, which will further enhance the Jewellery Quarter’s offering.

Click each link below to see the details of new planning applications in the area:

15 Key Hill – Display of one externally illuminated fascia sign.

23 Pemberton Street – Change of use from B1(a) Business / (c) Light Industry to create C3 dwelling.

The Hen & Chickens PH, 27 Constitution Hill – Erection of single storey rear extension.

Fleurets, 63 St. Pauls Square – Change of use of existing building from offices to A3 restaurant at basement and ground floor, 2 x 1 bed apartments at first and second floors and erection of an extension at second floor level to create a bathroom.

110-118 Northwood Street – Continued use of the site for a further two years for a change of use of vacant former manufacturing space (use class B2) to performance space for art exhibitions installations and performances (use class D1).

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