The Jewellery Quarter Neighbourhood Plan
Welcome to the Jewellery Quarter Neighbourhood Plan page. The process has now concluded and the policies contained within will now be applied to all planning applications for the Jewellery Quarter.
Project History
The Jewellery Quarter Neighbourhood Plan’s vision is for the Jewellery Quarter to be a successful community of businesses and residents, with jewellery and designing/making at its heart. It will foster a creative approach to conservation whilst demanding the highest quality design for new development, and it will stimulate the vitality of the area by making it easier to get around and giving people areas on to stay.
This has been written by the community, for the community. It was initiated by the Jewellery Quarter Development Trust (JQDT) and has been proudly produced by the Jewellery Quarter community. Ordinary people who work, live and/or represent the Jewellery Quarter, have created and contributed to this Neighbourhood Plan with help from professionals across Birmingham and beyond.