Jewellery Quarter takes over the airwaves with Christmas campaign

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Every day for the next four weeks, the Jewellery Quarter Christmas campaign will be heard by radio listeners across the West Midlands, reaching over 5.7 million people each week.

The campaign will be on both Heart and Smooth radio and is funded by the Jewellery Quarter BID with a contribution from the Jewellery Quarter Marketing Initiative (JQMI).

The jingles are a mixture of 10 and 20 second slots aired throughout the day until 24th December.

Luke Crane, JQ BID Manager, said: “It is important to ensure as many potential customers as possible think of the Jewellery Quarter as a great place to do their Christmas shopping. We offer a unique shopping experience that is more relaxed compared to the hustle and bustle of the city centre. With more than 100 independent jewellery and gift shops, plus an abundance of cafes, bar and restaurants, the jingles promote the Quarter as somewhere shoppers can find those special gifts in a magical setting and, after they’re all shopped out, reward themselves with a drink and a bite to eat in a cosy bar.”

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