Fellows Goes Green with Solar Panels and Electric Car Parking

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Electric car parking points, solar panels on the roof, and recycled packaging are only some of the circa £350,000 Fellows Auctions has invested in going green.

Electric car charging points have been installed at the company’s Augusta Street premises and are available to the public. Furthermore, Fellows has installed solar panels above the Birmingham saleroom and is able to see the amount of energy generated. Since Fellows installed the solar panels on the roof of the Birmingham office, the company has helped plant a total of 27.6 trees, based on eneregy generated. Catalogue printing in the office has been reduced by 70%, and all lighting replaced with LED efficient bulbs.

Another key aspect to Fellows’ attempts to go green is a revamp of the company’s postage and packaging. Boxes sent out to buyers are made from at least 70% recycled material and are fully recyclable, plus the mailing bags are made from 100% recycled material. The air conditioning units in the building have been upgraded to be much more efficient. Paper consumption in the premises has been reduced substantially and Fellows has offered clients the chance to reduce their footprint by combining packages.

Stephen Whittaker, Managing Director of Fellows Auctioneers, said:

“We have taken steps to make sure that Fellows is more energy-efficient and eco-friendly. We have adopted measures ranging from publicly accessible car charging points which are available to the public, to our shredded paper being 100% recyclable. We are continuing to build on our work to go green as a company and we will be introducing even more measures in the future.”

Find out more on the Fellows Auctions website .

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