Eco-garden set for Jewellery Quarter station through funding secured by JQBID

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A major scheme to install an eco-garden at one of Birminghams busiest inner-city stations has been given the go-ahead thanks to a community grant from West Midlands Railway (WMR).

Pictured at Jewellery Quarter station (l-r): Gaynor Steele (station adopter), Anyannah Wilson (WMRE), Ian Taylor (West Midlands Railway) and Steve Lovell (JQBID)

Jewellery Quarter station, which welcomed over half a million passengers last year, will have a green makeoverthanks to community volunteers working with the areas Business Improvement District (BID).

Titled Greening a Grey Station”, the scheme will see living wallsof plants and shrubs installed at the station to enhance the environment for passengers and local residents. The walls have been designed by lead station adopter and local garden designer Gaynor Steele.

The project will also involve training opportunities for local community members who want to develop their own urban gardening projects.

Design of inside Jewellery Quarter station by Gaynor Steele

The project, which was due to launch in 2019 but was paused due to the pandemic, was selected by WMR as part of its inaugural Customer and Communities Improvement Fund (CCIF), with funding provided by the Department for Transport.

As part of CCIF, WMR and sister company London Northwestern Railway will invest a total of £1.7 million in dozens of community projects across the network in the coming months. The JQBID was successful in securing £66,000 for the Jewellery Quarter.

The project will further enhance the plans of the JQBID to develop welcoming entry points to the Jewellery Quarter and increase the amount of green spaces for the community to enjoy. With plans to also pedestrianise Livery Street, the JQBID is continuing to deliver on the COVID-19 Response Plan which was launched in November 2020.

Fay Easton, head of community and stakeholder for WMR, said: We are delighted to be working with a talented urban gardener, local volunteers and the Jewellery Quarter BID on this fantastic project to make over one of our stations which is so important to the businesses and community it serves.

Throughout the pandemic our focus has been on keeping our services running for our customers who need them but we are also looking to the future and have been working with local communities to make sure the railway is an inviting and welcoming place for our passengers.

This innovative community project is central to our ethos at West Midlands Railway in working with local people to ensure the railways are at the heart of our neighbourhoods.”

The Jewellery Quarter scheme is designed to show how an urban railway station can tackle pollution with careful planting schemes, wildflowers and vertical systems to improve biodiversity and improve local air quality. The project includes edible planting, rainwater collection, art panels and the creation of green areas to soften the landscape and provide spaces for passengers to relax and learn more about the fascinations of Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter.

Design by Gaynor Steele

Steve Lovell, from the Jewellery Quarter BID, said:

This project is central to our plans in improving the aesthetics of the Jewellery Quarter and increasing the amount of green spaces. By turning the station into an eco-garden, were not only helping to improve the environment, were also creating an inviting entry point into the Jewellery Quarter that will increase footfall for our independent businesses. We can’t wait to get started.”

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