Volunteer needed in JQ for Birmingham Poppy Day

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The Royal British Legion is looking for a volunteer or volunteers to distribute Poppy Merchandise around The Jewellery Quarter from 25th October to 11th November 2019.

The volunteer will liaise with the JQBID who will assist with connecting to local businesses and storing stock.

The volunteer duties will include:

  • To ask Companies, Shops, Restaurants and Bars to allow having poppies and a collection tin on their premises.
  • To keep an accurate log of all collection tins by number onto the Collection Tin sheet provided.
  • To collect all Poppies and collection tins from 12th November 2019 and bring back to The Jewellery Quarter BID.
  • Royal British Legion staff will collect all tins and take to our Counting House for counting and banking.

For further information about this role, please contact: Malcolm Faulkner Warwickshire and Birmingham Community Fundraiser

E: mfaulkner@britishlegion.org.uk

M: 0745 812 6857

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