Unique and controversial art collection to open in the Jewellery Quarter

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A unique and controversial new art collection containing human remains will launch in the Jewellery Quarter on Thursday 18th May.

Presented by local gallery Turner Fine Arts, ‘Here Lies’ is the first collection by London-based artist Kieran Crowder, which incorporates ashes liberated from a crematorium the artist worked at when he was a teenager. The anonymous human remains were rescued from the general furnace waste produced by the Saturday morning clean-out which are then fused to canvases in patterns with paint using Crowder’s own signature technique. Now, after a number of years, the artist is ready to introduce his paintings to the world.

In addition to the collection, Crowder wishes to expand this project further with the help of the public by asking for people to donate ashes which he can use for future works.

Now, a woman has come forward to not only donate the ashes of both her parents to project but also her own in the future.

“Kieran seeks bones, lots of bones”, comments Stephen Turner, Manager of Turner Fine Arts.

“Specifically, these would be cremated remains just like the ones he has used so far, to be deployed in artworks that, right now, are just bare concepts.”

Contributors can include anyone with ashes who are willing to donate them or individuals who are sufficiently persuaded by Crowder’s work to want to donate their own remains in the future.

A press launch of the collection will be held on Thursday 18th May prior to the public launch at the weekend. It will take place between 9am – 5pm at Turner Fine Arts, 29 Warstone Lane, Jewellery Quarter; and will feature 20 canvases incorporating human remains – all available for photography. Crowder will also be there alongside the living donor for interviews and photographs.

For more information please contact Steven Turner directly on 0121 241 8608 or visit the website.

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