Cleaner and Greener

Our objective: To maintain and future proof the Jewellery Quarter’s landscape, ensuring the area is clean for those who visit, work and live in the area.

Clean Team

The JQBID Clean Team make the Jewellery Quarter a cleaner and safer place to work, live and visit. Working 6 days a week, the JQBID ...
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Annual floral displays

Brightening the area with floral displays paid for by the BID. Working with both private contractors and Birmingham City Council, the JQBID organise annual floral ...
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Jewellery Quarter Working - volunteering

Community Litter Picks

Over the last few years, the JQBID has facilitated numerous public community litter picks. Popular amongst both residents and businesses, the community litter picks facilitated ...
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Improving safety and attractiveness of Caroline Street

A project to improve the road infrastructure and and life on Caroline Street. In 2016, the JQBID in conjunction with Birmingham City Council, paid for ...
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First Mile Recycling Scheme

Subsidised recycling scheme for BID Levy Payers Since 2019, the JQBID has partnered with First Mile Recycling to increase recycling rates in the Jewellery Quarter, ...
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Refill Birmingham

Encouraging business involvement in Refill Birmingham In March 2019, JQBID staff and Eco Birmingham volunteers visited local businesses encouraging them to sign up to the ...
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Clothing Drives for Suited for Success

Suited for Success are a local charity providing free interview clothing for the unemployed. In 2017, 2018 and 2020, the JQBID supported the local charity ...
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