Blue Orange Theatre seeks participants for unemployment workshop

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After running a pilot scheme in February 2013 the Blue Orange Arts Limited, supported by Birmingham City Council, is holding a further developed phase of Theatre of the Unemployed at the Blue Orange Theatre.

The theatre is seeking participants from around Birmingham who are either unemployed, over 50 years of age, dealing with mental health issues, or aged 18-25 and living in the Ladywood Borough.

The project will consist of 10 free drama-based workshops which will address and explore issues around employment and returning to the employment market. The workshops will use drama, writing, devising, improvising, role play, interview techniques, strategy-building games and exercises to facilitate participants’ self-examination, self-expression and motivation to effect changes which will lead to better chances of returning to the employment market.

Theatre of the Unemployed  runs from Monday 23rd September to Tuesday 26th November 2013 at Blue Orange Theatre. For more information or to book a place, please contact or call 0121  212  2643.

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