BCC alert – Lionel Street closure on Monday 11 February

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Birmingham City Council hereby gives Notice that on the 11th February 2018, for a period of one day, no person shall proceed along Lionel Street between its junctions with Newhall Street and Fleet Street. There will also be a suspension of the ‘One Way’ traffic along Lionel Street between Newhall Street to Summer Row and Summer Row between Fleet Street to Lionel Street.

The aforementioned lengths of roads will remain open for contractors’ plant. Access to frontages will be maintained as necessary.

The alternative route for vehicles affected by this order will be via Newhall Street, George Street, A457 Parade, Fleet Street, Summer Row, Cornwall Street, Margaret Street and Great Charles Street Queensway.

The reason for this temporary prohibition is required to allow for the erection of a crane on the Highway and to effectively manage traffic.

The proposed prohibition shall apply only during such times and to such an extent as shall from time to time be indicated by traffic signs prescribed by The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

For further information, please visit www.birmingham.gov.uk/highways

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