Volunteers needed for Ladywood Ward children’s Christmas party

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Tickets for this year’s Ladywood Ward children’s Christmas party will be on sale soon.

The event, for children who live and/or attend schools in the Ladywood Ward area, is being held at Ladywood Health & Community Centre, St Vincent Street West (B16 8PR) on Saturday 14th December 2013, 12.00pm—4.00pm

If your child is between 4 and 9 years old and you would like to purchase a ticket to the party, tickets will be on sale at the community centre (address above) between 3.30pm—4.30pm on Tuesday 19th November,  Friday 22nd November and Tuesday 3rd December.

Tickets cost £2.50 per child and £2.50 per adult. Book early to avoid disappointment as places are limited.

The organisers of the Christmas party are also looking for volunteers to:

·         Man the entrance table – greeting guests, checking them in, receiving outstanding payments.

·         Staff the Tombola stall

·         Supervise main activities in the Sports Hall – dancing, games, clown, face painting queue, etc.

·         Help control the queue into Santa’s grotto

·         Serve tea/coffee/squash in the cafeteria/Boulton Hall and oversee the buffet table

·         Help decorate the main areas beforehand

·         Help clear up at the end

If you can help or would like more information, please call Tina on 07818 422 862.


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