Jewellery Quarter Townscape Heritage Project

The Jewellery Quarter Townscape Heritage (JQTH) project is a National Lottery Heritage Funded scheme overseen by the JQDT to help regenerate the Jewellery Quarter's industrial middle.

Argent Centre Frederick Street - JQ Townscape Heritage

About the JQTH

The Jewellery Quarter Townscape Heritage (JQTH) was a five-year scheme funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and facilitated by the JQDT.

Projects have included the full restoration of the Argent Centre as well as the refurbishment of the Chamberlain Clock  - a project jointly funded with the JQBID. The JQTH also ran a full activities programme that aimed to engage residents, workers and visitors to the Jewellery Quarter with the heritage of the area. Activities included workshops, talks, building research, events, exhibitions and activities inspired by the area.

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