Have your say on parking in the JQ!

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The Jewellery Quarter Development Trust and Birmingham City Council are encouraging people who live, learn or work in the Jewellery Quarter to have their say on local parking facilities.

Birmingham City Council made changes to the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) that covers the Jewellery Quarter about a year ago and the time has come for them to review the changes and measure the effects.

David Harris, Projects Leader – Transportation Policy at Birmingham City Council, will be at The Drop Forge (Hockley Street) from 8.30am on 15th July to explain what the council is doing and how people can get involved.

David said: “The event on the 15th is the perfect opportunity for people to express their views on how the changes made to on-street parking have been working and if there is anything we can do to improve it.

“All residential and business properties in the Jewellery Quarter will receive an information leaflet and a questionnaire, which we would like people to complete and return in the Freepost envelope provided. There will also be an online version of the questionnaire available.”

The parking discussion will continue at the monthly @MyJQ meet up at The Drop Forge on 16th July (6pm start).

Mike Mounfield, executive director for the JQDT, said: “If you have been affected by or have views on the CPZ that you’d like to share, we will gather this information to coordinate a coherent response on behalf of the people in the Jewellery Quarter. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the review and your ideas are very important to us.”

The consultation will be open until Friday 9th August 2013. For more information, please visit  www.birmingham.gov.uk/jqparking or email David Harris at parkingconsult@birmingham.gov.uk.

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