BSAC(British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy)

53 Regent Place, Birmingham B1 3NJ

Founded in 1971, and with over 5,000 members in 135 countries around the world, the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) is a global educator, joining the dots between scientific researchers, medical communities and the wider public, encouraging and enabling them to pass on their knowledge to a global audience.

Our internationally renowned publications are among the foremost international journals in antimicrobial research, while our commitment to scientific excellence is reflected in our varied programme of events, training and free educational resources.

We know that better education can help prevent disease, develop more effective practice and influence international policy. Working together, we can ensure a safer world by developing new drugs, while making sure we use the ones we already have are used responsibly and protected for future generations.

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