Jewellery Quarter Christmas hamper appeal

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Businesses from the Jewellery Quarter have come together at various points throughout the year to raise money for charity and this Christmas will be no different.

The Jewellery Quarter Development Trust is leading the way by launching an appeal that will help families within the Ladywood Ward, one of the poorest in the UK.

The aim is to raise enough funds to fill 100 Christmas ‘hampers’ with essential festive treats. Once this target is reached, Tesco has pledged to fill another 20 hampers for free!

Each hamper contains: Cadbury’s selection box, Christmas pudding, drinking chocolate, strawberry jam, marmalade, mince pies, shortbread, box of Celebrations, chocolate yule log and, of course, a bottle of fizz!

Company or personal sponsorship can be:

·         A single hamper at £25

·         Multiple hampers

·         A contribution towards the cost of a hamper

To sponsor a hamper, please get in touch with Qucie Green at Fellows ( by 6th December.

The parcels will be assembled on Tuesday 10th December and delivered to the local food bank on 11th December.

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